5 Ways Premarital Counseling Sets Your Marriage Up for Success

Happy bride and groom - 5 ways premarital counseling sets your marriage up for success

In just a few short sessions, you and your future spouse can be on the right track to avoid the dreaded D word: divorce.

Happy queer couple - 5 ways premarital counseling sets your marriage up for success

1. Focus on the positive

When many people hear “therapy,” especiallycouples therapy,” they envision fighting, weeping, and boxes upon boxes of tissues. On the contrary - premarital therapy, while hard work, is fun and exploratory. This is an exciting time in your life and premarital therapy isn’t here to yuck your yum - in fact, you may just leave with a newfound appreciation for your partner!

2. Conflict resolution

Let’s get real - who likes conflict? Not many of us. But any time two people are in a relationship, conflict is an inevitability. Premarital therapy can give you and your partner the tools to keep conflict from turning into full-blown arguments. Learning how to effectively listen to, and communicate with, your partner is a skill, and the earlier you learn it, the better off you’ll be.

3. Support for those tough talks

queer couple - 5 ways premarital counseling sets your marriage up for success

Planning a wedding is so exciting! Planning a marriage - now that’s work. And it comes with all kinds of tough conversations: money, potential children or lack-thereof, how to schedule holidays, where to live, in-laws, and the list goes on. Premarital therapy helps you navigate these hard talks and turn them into opportunities for deeper connection and understanding.

4. Confidence

I hate to break it to you: fairytales led us astray. While I sincerely hope you are confident in the partner you have chosen to do life with, being confident in navigating a marriage is daunting, and it’s no wonder why! We’ve been led to believe that as long as our true love comes along, that’s all we’ll ever need, but we all know the fairytale fantasy isn’t a reality. Premarital therapy gives you confidence in you and your partner’s ability to navigate the inevitable tough roads ahead while taking the time to stop and appreciate the beautiful moments.

Happy bride and groom - 5 ways premarital counseling sets your marriage up for success

5. Mental health

I wouldn’t be a good therapist if I didn’t sneak this in here, would I? Here’s something that may not be surprising: marital distress is associated with higher mental health problems - yikes! protect your future mental health by building a stable foundation for your marriage with premarital therapy.

Interested in Minnesota premarital therapy? Book a consultation with us, we’d love to meet you!


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